Saturday, July 30, 2011

Oops! Lindsay Lohan Takes a Tumble While Partying With Paris and Nicky Hilton

Lindsay Lohan has got to get some better shoesâ€"or at least work on her balance.

The Mean Girls star, who was caught tripping and falling in New York recently, took another spill while out on the town with party pals Paris and Nicky Hilton in Malibu Friday night.

And who did she blame for the embarrassing tumble?

MORE: Why Did Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan Make Up?

"Omg, I'm so embarrassed, paparazzi just blinded me with flashes again, as I was walking into dinner," Lohan tweeted Friday night. "They pushed me and I tripped, hurt."

This isn't the secondâ€"or even thirdâ€"time the 25-year-old actress has fallen, though, so we're on the fence about her pap-pushing explanation.

And now that former frenemies Linds and Paris have officially reunited, something tells us there will be more shenanigans and spills to come.

PHOTOS: Lindsay Lohan: Why's she smiling?

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