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'American Reunion' stars talk pies, sex, kids and rehab - Los Angeles Times

Seann William Scott, left, declines an offer of apple pie from actor Jason Biggs at the House of Pies restaurant in Los Feliz.
The guy who had sex with a pie.

That’s how most fans still identify Jason Biggs, even though it’s been 13 years since the actor partook in an infamous act of experimental copulation with a dessert in “American Pie.” The R-rated raunchfest set the bar for dirty high school comedies and launched the careers of many of its young stars, including Seann William Scott -- still known to many as the party-loving Stifler.

Both actors were featured in the two theatrical sequels to “Pie,” the last of which was released nine years ago. Now, Biggs, 33, and Scott, 35, are back in “American Reunion,” which brings the class of 1999 back to its Michigan hometown for a get-together. (Each has an executive producer credit on the film as well.)

A few days after returning from Europe where they had been promoting the film, we caught up with the pair at -- where else? -- Los Feliz’s House of Pies.

You’re already on your third cup of coffee, Jason. Has the press tour been exhausting?

Biggs: The last time I did a press tour that was this extensive was for the third “American Pie,” and that was nine years ago. Well, I guess my body has changed a lot in the last nine years. Back then, I was single, and I’d go out at night from dinner to drinks, go out with local people and party, and then roll into the publicity obligations in the morning with energy. Now, I lay down for a nap at 6 p.m. and wake up at 6 a.m. the next day. One glass of champagne and I’m like, “What happened last night, baby? Do I have a Mike Tyson tattoo on my face?”

How did landing “American Pie” change your career?

Scott: I was working at Home Depot. There were a lot of teen movies coming out, but this particular one seemed to have a buzz about it. So I quit Home Depot.

Biggs: It was the biggest high to date for me. I had been OK with girls before that.

Scott: But the part didn’t hurt.

Biggs: It was a lot different afterward. I totally realized that it was largely superficial and absolutely ridiculous and thought most of the people that were interested in me because of [fame] were absolutely ridiculous. But I’m also a young, virile man … that has opportunities now. And these opportunities need to be capitalized upon for the sake of men everywhere.

So it was a fun time in your life.

Biggs: The travel was also amazing. My first stamp on a passport was because of the first “American Pie” press trip .... With my first paycheck, I went and bought myself a bed. I had been sleeping on a futon for a year and a half. It got to the point where I was so lazy that I wouldn’t even put it in the bed position, I’d just keep it in the couch position to sleep on it.

“Reunion” cast members Tara Reid, Chris Klein, Natasha Lyonne and even Seann all went to rehab. Do you think that was a result of experiencing fame at a young age?

Biggs: I don’t think any of us felt the pressure during the first one. For me, it was subsequent to it that you realize this is a business and there are demands and expectations when the sequel happens. For the first movie we were just kids having fun. And that’s why all the subsequent snowball that became the success and the craziness -- that’s what was wild, and took a lot of us by surprise.

Your roles in this franchise have become so well known. Has that made it difficult to branch out in Hollywood?

Biggs: People still think, for whatever reason -- even though I [had sex with] a pie -- that I am this wholesome boy-next-door. It’s still difficult. That’s what people know me for, and it’s easier for people to cast you in that, even 13 years later.

You must embrace the role of Jim now, since you’re reprising it.

Biggs: I’m in the place right now in my life where I really am accepting of it. “American Pie” is a great gift. It really is. I think there’s been a few different stages for me .... There was a bit of pigeonholing in terms of the roles I was trying to get. And there was a time when that was frustrating, and kind of scary. But then you realize, “Oh, I’m getting parts. I’m working. I do different parts -- and they might not be as well received or popular as doing Jim in ‘American Pie.’ But you know, I’m still young."

Jason, you’re married and want to have kids. Have you thought about how you’ll talk to your children about sex?

Biggs: Just pop in the “American Pie” films and leave the room. “Pop these in the Blu-ray! Here’s the name and number of daddy’s therapist, and let’s meet there next Tuesday at my weekly standing appointment.” No, my concern is my kids seeing the movie before I would want them to see the film because, how do you avoid that?

Seann, in this movie Stifler defecates in a cooler full of beer. What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled in real life?

Scott: On my birthday one year, my friend was passed out because he drank too much. I thought it’d be really funny to shave his eyebrow off, but he had an interview to get a promotion at his job the next day. I guess I must have been a little intoxicated myself, because I shaved strips down his head and shaved his eyebrow off. He ended up getting the job still.

[A server comes by.]

Biggs: Do you guys, um, have any pie? What’s your favorite?

Server: I’m from the South, so --

Biggs: Pecan, right? That’s my favorite pie.

Scott: Go have sex with it!


'American Pie' director surprised by 'American Reunion' in-jokes

'American Reunion' premiere: The gang's all here, one more time

'American Reunion': How Universal revived its oldest teen franchise

-- Amy Kaufman

Photo: Seann William Scott, left, declines an offer of apple pie from actor Jason Biggs at the House of Pies restaurant in Los Feliz. Credit: Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times


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