Thursday, April 26, 2012

Joshua Ledet tops this week's Idol Meter - USA TODAY

This week, Ken Barnes' Idol Meter is split evenly into thirds. At the top, there's Joshua Ledet and Hollie Cavanagh. And while Ken thinks Joshua's take on Queen's Crazy Little Thing Called Love was "a little too crazily frantic," he thought Ready for Love "may have been his best (performance) yet, as haunting a combination of power and restraint as he has managed."

Phillip Phillips and Skylar Laine have a tie score in the second tier, with Ken calling Phillip "the Idol King of the Internet, far outstripping his competitors for time elapsed trending on Twitter."

Then, at the bottom, there's Elise Testone and, perhaps surprisingly, Jessica Sanchez. Ken questioned Jessica's song choices, noting that Jermaine Jones had performed Dance With My Father earlier this season. "Not a good week for questionable songs choices," Ken writes, "as Jessica had to sing first (the worst spot) and seventh, so presence of mind is not on her side."

As for Elise, finishing at the bottom of Wednesday's DialIdol predictions certainly didn't help her score. "Elise was a commanding rock presence on her Queen songs, and did as well as could be hoped for on her Hendrix number," says Ken. "She lifted the first song to new heights, but the second song defeated her by its sheer obtuseness and resistance to reinterpretation."

The previously mentioned DialIdol predictions list only Hollie Cavanagh as safe, with everybody else in its "in danger of being eliminated" category. Elise, Skylar and Jessica are the bottom three on that list. Idol Chatter readers had a different bottom three in the post-show poll: Elise, Hollie and Phillip.

So there's a wide range of opinion regarding tonight's results, with Elise the only common factor. And her fans have shown a remarkable resilience, rarely raising her out of the Bottom Three but always (so far, anyway) keeping her out of the lowest spot.

Do you agree with any of these lists?

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