Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tweeps Slam Sarah Palin's 'Today' Guest-Hosting Gig - AceShowbiz

April 04, 2012 03:53:43 GMT

Although some viewers dislike the former Alaska governor's appearance on the NBC morning show, John McCain gives her a thumb up.

Tweeps Slam Sarah Palin's 'Today' Guest-Hosting Gig
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While "Today" expected to boost its ratings by tapping Sarah Palin as a guest host on Tuesday, April 3, her appearance apparently did not win the heart of some viewers. Taking it to Twitter, one user named Nathan commented, "Watching Sarah Palin literally causes me pain. I get embarrassed for her, yet she just keeps talking."

Maggie Klaus wrote, "It's awkward watching Sarah Palin on #Today, knowing how much the other hosts loath her," while Stacy tweeted, "I don't understand why Sarah Palin was on The Today Show this morning...she has nothing valuable to say and her voice gives me a headache."

Another tweep, Jeremy Thomas, was more harsh in his comment as writing, "If you seen Sarah Palin on 'The Today Show' and you think she did a good job, do us a favor... #KillYourself." Karen Acker additionally expressed her disappointment, "I can't believe that The Today Show had Sarah Palin on as a guest host today. I have watched the show for 20 years. I am disappointed!"

Isaac Oyer who stated, "I hope sarah palin 'infiltrates' the today show for a while longer so people can see what a raving lunatic she is," and Chesty LaRue who wrote, "Sarah Palin was on the Today Show this morning. It went well until she accused Al Roker of reverse racism for rushing her cooking segment," were some other people who gave negative responses to Palin's guest-hosting gig.

The former Alaska governor, however, got support from her partner at the 2008 GOP presidential campaign, John McCain, who tweeted, "Great job by @SarahPalinUSA on @TODAYShow this morning!" Meanwhile, the Chicago Sun-Times said in its review that the female politician "came off suitably personable, escaping without any major gaffes."

On "Today", Palin couldn't hide her distaste on the prospects of Mitt Romney taking the Republican nomination for president. She additionally slammed president Obama, calling him out for "socialist policies."

The former "" star, however, defended and on her struggles with OWN. While she slammed 's performance in "", the 48-year-old politician did praise who "has been pretty clever" with her more comedic impersonation.

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