Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why Dressing Jason Segel Can Sometimes Be a Challenge - People Magazine

Jason Segel
Johns PKI/Splash News Online

Dressing Jason Segel sounds like kind of a dream job, but his stylist, Leesa Evans, says it’s not always easy.

“Dressing Jason is delightful because he’s very easygoing and really communicative about what makes him feel good,” Evans tells PEOPLE. “But it’s harder to find things that fit guys like him, because a lot of times certain designers don’t make something for a guy his height and size.”

However, Evans thinks it’s a good problem to have. “He’s lucky to be six-foot-four,” she jokes.

Evans, who also dresses funnymen Paul Rudd and Russell Brand, says it’s often easier to style men than women for red carpet events. “There’s less focus,” she shares. “These events are definitely more about the women.”

But that doesn’t mean she’s not working just as hard to make her clients stand out. “You want to find things that make guys feel great,” she shares. “We have a lot of fun with that.”

She also has a lot of fun on set with Segel; Evans recently did costumes for his new film, The Five-Year Engagement, and had a blast in fittings. “Both Jason and [costar] Chris Pratt are hilarious â€" those two would make me laugh so hard that it was actually hard to get our work done,” she shares. “It’s constant jokes and silliness.”

But there are serious moments, too. “I like finding that place in guys where they feel sexy and confident, just like women,” she says. “It’s great getting to that point with an actor and his clothes.” Catch Segel (and Evans’s styles!) in The Five-Year Engagement, out Friday.


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