Sunday, July 9, 2023

Olivia Rodrigo: Bruce Springsteen is “My Biggest Celebrity Crush”

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Ask most 20-year-old women about their celebrity crushes, and you'll likely hear a name along the lines of Harry Styles or Timothée Chalamet. Not Olivia Rodrigo. Record shopping with Vogue to promote her upcoming sophomore album GUTS, the young pop superstar revealed that's she's got her eye on Bruce Springsteen.

Rodrigo got on the topic of The Boss after discovering a live album of his from 1984. "He's my biggest celebrity crush of all time," she announced upon detection. Dubbed PORN IN THE USA, the record featured Springsteen in a sweatband and t-shirt emblazoned with the words, "Warning! This record contains noises of an explicit nature that may be offensive and should not be played in the presence of minors." Naturally, Rodrigo concluded, "Yeah, you're coming home with me."

Springsteen may not be every Gen Zer's crush, but Rodrigo has made it clear that she has a wide-ranging music taste. The singer recently joined her dad in seeing The Cure and Depeche Mode in concert, and elsewhere in her Vogue cover story, she points to both Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Carol King as influences.

GUTS, the follow-up to Rodrigo's huge debut album SOUR, arrives September 8th. So far, the songwriter has shared lead single "vampire," which we named Song of the Week.

Olivia Rodrigo: Bruce Springsteen is "My Biggest Celebrity Crush"Carys Anderson

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