Friday, October 11, 2024

Questionnaire: Joshua “Josh” Levy, candidate for Hollywood mayor

Name: Joshua "Josh" Levy

Campaign website:

Date and place of birth: November 12, 1974, Magshimim, Israel(Hollywood since the age of 4. 1978)

List in order of importance the three most important issues in your community and briefly explain what you would do about each.⦁ Housing Affordability and Economic OpportunityThe most important issue for our community, across the socioeconomic spectrum, is housing affordability and affordability in general. Our homeowners and renters, which respectively make up 60% and 40% of our households, are experiencing a reality where the cost to live and work in the economy, including housing, insurance, taxes, condo assessment, child care, food, transportation, health care and more, has outpaced regional growth in wages, resulting in serious financial hardship for many households.

In 2018 as mayor, I conceived and led a landmark Interlocal Agreement between the City, our CRA and Broward County, shifting 25% of our Beach CRA's county tax increment (millions per year) to housing affordability initiatives for the households in throughout our city's LMI neighborhoods (+/- 40% of our city, east to west).

⦁ The ILA "Neighborhood Pride" programs include housing rehabilitation grants to help people with much needed roof replacements (now made worse by the insurance crisis), install impact windows and more, first-time homebuyer assistance, LMI neighborhood infrastructur and workskills programs for higher paying jobs.

⦁ The ILA provides critical support to our residents, and helps to preserve the quality, storm resilience and affordability of our aging LMI housing stock.

⦁ The ILA's funding will contribute more than $60M toward these housing programs and it will continue for the next 12 years, till 2037.

During my time as mayor, we've also led the city to be a county-wide leader in developing partnerships to create new affordable and workforce housing.

⦁ We have 7 new projects recently completed or under construction, along the transportation corridors of our city (Federal Hwy, Dixie Hwy and State Rd 7) with two more in the approval process and on the way.  This includes University Station, where I've led the city to also attract and be designated for Broward County's first station for Commuter Rail South as part of the county's Premium Mobility Plan.

Recognizing that government also plays a role in the cost of living, this year I led the City Commission to reduce the city's property tax millage rate for the first time in 15 years.  The reduction (.0714 mils) is made possible by our city's record economic growth over the past 8 years and will collectively save taxpayers approximately $500K this year. Though the savings for individual property owners will be modest, the reduction marks what I intend to be a continuing policy direction in the years ahead.

In a final term as mayor, I will continue to bring results in the realm of affordability and economic opportunity for our residents and small businesses.

⦁ Stormwater Management and Climate Resiliency

As a low-lying coastal city in South Florida, Hollywood faces continuing challenges from climate change, most acutely in the form of flooding caused by the confluence of sea level rise and severe rainfall events.

In a final term as mayor, I will continue to prioritize and fund the infrastructure necessary to ensure the city's resiliency and sustainability in the years ahead.

⦁ I will continue implementing the city's first-ever Stormwater Master Plan, which details $2B of infrastructure upgrades necessary neighborhood by neighborhood over the next 20 years.

⦁ I will continue the record climate infrastructure adaptation projects types that we have under construction in the most climate vulnerable parts of our city and across our city, upgrading the stormwater system with massive pump stations, raising road profiles, raising shorelines and seawalls, planting resiliency dunes on the beach, repairing pipes, installing tidal valves, undergrounding power lines and much more.   Septic-to-sewer conversion is another big funding issue for the city, especially as the water table rises.

⦁ I will continue to collaborate with federal, state and county funding partners to  ensure we are prepared for the future.  We've been successful in securing record levels of matching grants in recent years, and as mayor, I will continue to invest time in facilitating these crucial intergovernmental partnerships in the years ahead.

⦁ Another important element is ensuring that our building codes integrate adaptive resilience design standards aimed at ensuring the long term sustainability of our region as a place to call home.

⦁ Improving City Services

A large element of a city's day to day work is its role as a service provider.  As mayor, I've been a hands-on contributor in directing improvement in the level of service that our city provides to our residents and small businesses and there is more work to do.

⦁ We've bolstered our accredited police and fire departments with the necessary equipment, personnel, technology, with a community-policing approach that has served well to keep Hollywood residents safe.

⦁ I led the drive to improve the city's building permit system and processes.  We just launched an entirely new software system, are hiring more plan reviewers and inspectors, and have a new collaborative workspace for the building division, planning, urban design, mobility and other depts opening soon.  This is a work-in-progress, and we are poised to see great improvement.

⦁ Code enforcement is ever more important in an aging city, and personnel levels are the highest ever.  We need to ensure better results in this realm and with waste management in the years ahead.

⦁ We are hiring more stormwater technicians to help reduce flooding.

⦁ We are making important investments in cybersecurity.

⦁ We've formalized disaster preparedness policies.

⦁ We opened an employee health center with Memorial to reduce costs there.

⦁ I led the drive to upgrade our city streetlights to LED, with more to come, and initiated the city's policy to proactively repave roads, remark pavement, and repair broken sidewalks, ending the previous cost-share requirement from residents.

⦁ I led the drive to create the city's Homeless Services Plan and brought the Judicial Circuit's Community Court to Hollywood, in the greatest set of partnerships and funding for homeless services in our city's history.

In a final term, I will continue to be a hands-on mayor with attention to detail to ensure the city can deliver the best service it can to our residents and businesses.

What most distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why?What sets me apart from my opponents is the unmatched years of public service, personal skill set and proven track record of bringing results and leadership for the City of Hollywood and our residents.

⦁ I am the only candidate who has shown a commitment of time and years as a  neighborhood civic association director and president for 11 years.  I am the only candidate who has served on city boards for 11 years.  I bring that neighborhood-level perspective with me as mayor.

⦁ I am the only candidate with a law degree.  I graduated from NSU Law with honors, 24 years ago, and clerked at the Hollywood City Attorney's Office 26 years ago, when as a law student from a blue collar family and who didn't know one lawyer. Legal acumen is important in enabling a mayor to most effectively chair our city's penultimate legislative body and to best understand and make good judgements on the substance of the City Commission's work.

⦁ I believe I have led the City Commission admirably, with cordial and consensus-focused parliamentarian leadership that has created a consistently collegial and effective governing body. Leading also to high morale that makes way for the high level of productivity that we want to see from our city manager, administration and workforce.

⦁ In addition to the above, I am the only candidate that has a demonstrated track record of delivering results across the spectrum as a mayor.

⦁ Historic results and investment in our parks and expanding green space, public safety and resilience infrastructure through the General Obligation Bond we passed in 2019 and other funding.

⦁ During the pandemic, beyond close daily hands-on care for my community, I was appointed to lead a county-wide taskforce of municipal elected officials to enlist the county's sharing of Cares Act funding with Broward's 31 municipalities, resulting in $100M shared enabling our municipalities to recover pandemic-related service  expenses and balance our budgets during unprecedented and challenging years for public administration.

⦁ Finally, I am the only candidate endorsed by the following organizations and elected officials based on the work they know I've done:Bless BrowardDolphin DemocratsRealtors AssociationHollywood Fraternal Order of PoliceHollywood Professional Firefighters AFL-CIOAFSME – Hollywood EmployeesCongresswoman Debbie Wasserman-ShultzState Senator Shevrin JonesState Senator Jason PizzoState Rep Marie WoodsonState Rep Hillary CassellCounty Commissioner Beam FurrAnd more.

Is overdevelopment a major problem in Hollywood, yes or no? Please elaborate.No. Over the past 10 years, Hollywood's growth rate has been less than 1% per year, and that sustainable pace will continue in the foreseeable years ahead – even with all the new investment we see in our smart growth focus area – centered in and around Downtown Hollywood.  Hollywood is Florida's 12th largest city by population, and we rank  66th in growth rate.

Our growth strategy is guided by an award winning planning vision focused on attracting redevelopment that addresses the housing and economic needs of our city while maintaining the character and charm of our city's hometown feeling, zoning for growth along the transit corridors of our city.

We've been very deliberate in ensuring that new development enhances our city's infrastructure, improves quality of life, and offers economic opportunities.

Overdevelopment occurs when growth outpaces planning, but our efforts are guided by a long-term vision that considers transportation, housing, and environmental sustainability.

As Hollywood approaches its 100th anniversary, what more should the city do to preserve its historic buildings?I've always had a passion and appreciation for Hollywood's historical buildings, inspired by our city founder's vision to build a "dream city," and "a city for everyone," during the City Beautiful movement of the 1920's during the times of the Mizners, Merrick's, Flagler's of the world.

We have a valuable number of historic buildings from the era and periods.  Private homes in the Hollywood Lakes Historic District, in Parkside and other neighborhoods.  Downtown has the nationally registered Historic Business District.  the Beach has more recent and wonderful buildings from the Art Deco era.

I've supported the identification and preservation of our historic buildings even before I was mayor, and I will always do so.

To do more, especially in the face of recent state legislation providing property rights to demolish undesignated buildings in flood zones, we can protect Hollywood's historic landmarks through creating grant programs, advocating for tax incentives, and encourage restoration rather than demolition.

Highlighting these structures not only preserves our past but also boosts cultural tourism. I will continue advocating for historic preservation as we celebrate our centennial next year.

Last year, I proposed that we purchase our city founder's 1920's home, the Young Mansion, which still stands today as one of the best preserved and and most significantly contributing historic structures in our city.  My vision for the Young house is to preserve it through the city's ownership and for it to be the city's preeminent cultural site for generations to come, for the public and for school kids to have tours through it, and for the story of historic Hollywood to be shown and told.

What is your vision for the future of the Hollywood Beach Resort site, and how can the city make that vision a reality?My longtime vision is for the Hollywood Beach Resort site to once again be the "Crown Jewel" of our city and all of Broward County.  The site was originally built to be our Biltmore, where visitors could stay and have the most memorable time on our recreational beach, with nearby resort amenities such as the historic Hollywood Beach Golf Club, which is under construction through the city's GOB program right now.  We would be most fortunate to see the Hollywood Beach Resort be next for restoration and rebirth.

To that end, I invested years of my mayorship encouraging the consolidation of the building's ownerships.  The building had hundreds of unit owners, large and small.  In a miracle of sorts, the property is now assembled under common ownership, though there is some private litigation with a potentially indispensable parking garage neighbor.

When the parties come forward, my vision is to realign the Hollywood Boulevard bridge, and remove the off ramp that destroys the property's frontage.  I want the area where the ramp is to be returned to be the grand garden and fountain entrance of the site.  I want to see the long-gone historic facade ornamentation to be replicated on a restored facade.  The interior and rear broadwalk-fronting pool area will need a complete rebuild.   The property will need to be made resilient for the years ahead, and the owner has retained historic preservation architects and planners to hopefully soon initiate a public process that will result in the rebirth of this storied site as a focal point for our beach, our county, state and even country.  It has all that potential, and for us to have an opportunity to work together to make it happen is the ultimate excitement for me.

Securing state or federal grants may be key to achieving this vision while ensuring community input guides the opportunity.

What redevelopment, if any, do you support along the beach and Broadwalk, and should existing height limits be increased in beach areas?As mayor, I have always defended and protected the existing height limits along the broadwalk area.  There has not been one new tall building approved along the broadwalk during my time as mayor, because the investment community knows that violating the height limits of central beach is a non-starter for Hollywood and for me.

The low-rise village scale of the broadwalk area is one of the main elements that make Hollywood beach special and feel special.  It also forms the basis of the market position of our beach as a standout visitor and beachgoer destination in South Florida.  I will always preserve that.

As mayor, I've focused on property improvement grants that help owners restore and preserve the original buildings of our beach, and build within our height limits with many recent and great examples of success.  Preserving the character of our central beach is paramount.

List in reverse chronological order, colleges or universities attended, with years of attendance and degrees.Law Degree, Nova Southeastern University, 1997-2000⦁ Certificate of Concentration in International Legal Practice⦁ Pro Bono Honors⦁ International Law Journal

B.A., University of Florida, 1992-1996⦁ International Relations

List in reverse chronological order your work history for the past 15 years.Mayor, City of Hollywood, 2016-Present⦁ Appointed Member, Broward County Planning Council⦁ Chair, CareerSource Broward, Council of Elected Officials⦁ Appointed Member, Broward County Tourism Development Council⦁ Selected Executive Committee Member, Large City Mayor category, Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance

Law Offices of Joshua Levy, P.A.  2002-Present⦁ General Counsel to Hollywood Kia, a family business recently sold.

Have you ever been a party to a lawsuit including bankruptcy or foreclosure? If so, provide details of the case and disposition.No, n/a

Have you ever been charged or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, including an adjudication of guilt withheld? If so, provide charges, dates and terms of sentence.28 years ago, cited for trespassing at the Baja Beach Club. The nightclub was full. One of the staff members had allowed me inside, and that did not go well with a police officer who was working the door. Adjudication was withheld and there was no conviction.  This took place a long time ago and was in its own way, life experience to learn from.

Why should voters elect you instead of your opponent(s)?Voters should reelect me because of my proven leadership, and ability to bring results for the long-term well-being of Hollywood. As mayor, I have consistently prioritized the needs of our city, bringing record results and public investment in housing affordability, public safety, infrastructure improvements, resiliency and sustainability, parks, neighborhood improvements, homelessness efforts and more. I've also led in bringing economic opportunity, bringing jobs to our city, to improve the lives of our working families and small businesses.   I've led a balanced approach to development based on the community's vision in the long established downtown master plan and regional activity center. I understand that growth and preservation are not mutually exclusive, and I've worked hard to ensure that Hollywood thrives economically while safeguarding the charm that makes our city special.

My record shows success in my ability to secure millions in funding for critical infrastructure projects, improved parks and public spaces, and attracted businesses that have revitalized key areas without compromising the quality of life for our residents.

My leadership has been focused on building consensus to solve problems and create opportunities. Whether it's strengthening our environmental policies, improving public transportation, or expanding affordable housing, I've delivered results.

My opponents may offer passionate opinions about the city, but cannot match the experience, legal and business skill set and the deep understanding of the city's issues that I bring following two successful two terms in office.

My years of service have allowed me to build strong relationships with local, state, and federal partners, ensuring that Hollywood receives the attention and resources it deserves.

I bring stability and continuity at a time when our city is approaching its centennial, and I am committed to ensuring that Hollywood's future is even brighter than its past.

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