Thursday, October 10, 2024

Questionnaire: Peter Hanna, candidate for Hollywood mayor

Name: Peter HannaCampaign website: N/ADate and place of birth: July 6th, 1974, Miami Fl

List in order of importance the three most important issues in your community and briefly explain what you would do about each.1. AccountabilityIt appears that the city is progressing and moving forward with projects that the residents do not appreciate. Citizens feel there is a lack of communication between and among leadership and those represented. Communication citizens feel they are unheard of2. Civic Governmental interactionsImprove the communication between the city and the community. Use all media venues and open invitation to residents to attend any government events as is apropos Residents feel unheard and feel that most communications with the city are unheard. Residents are complaining that developers are being given priority over community issues. Residents feel like their needs are not a priority while developers are getting a speed pass for their concerns3.  Safety/InfrastructureFire / Police need support and updated equipment. Sewer and Flooding issues need to be addressed and mitigated.

What most distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and why?I'm probably the most well-rounded candidate with real world experience in multiple fields, both National and International industries. My educational background provides a foundation that's diverse, as it consists of multiple Degrees in various fields – Medical / Aeronautics / FinanceThe following educational background provides me a global perspective and approach to most situations.Finance: Series 3 Commodities – I decided to get my license and I received my license within 13 days from starting- quick study backgroundAeronautics: Graduated Magna cum Lauda in Aeronautics from Embrey Riddle. The program is ingrained with setting up systems with redundancy built in, there always must be a contingencyHealth:  Occupational Therapy Graduate from Keiser College – Was the First Delegate to the Occupational Therapy National Assembly where I was the Regional Editor (OTLINE) – National Publication to all Occupational T herapy Programs Nationwide (the main goals of Occupational Therapy- are focused on clear communication skills and every action has a functional goal).ExperienceSony-Ericson – Spearheaded a campaign to integrate and improve the internal intranet and systems improving communications between dept managers and Downline teams removing unnecessary redundancies while increasing efficiency company wide. Managed multiple $400+ Million markets for 4Gnetwork upgrades, successfully developed and managed National program for SPRINT Network and was praised for speed and efficiency of implementation of the program over 13 Markets simultaneously. This National program affected the whole SPRINT network where The Battery Backup Units were exploding in the summer heat.BraVura – @ EIHA European International Hemp Association in Cologne, Germany Solving a fundamental issue with new pesticides regulations that affected the European Hemp Industry in its entirety. Through Experience and out of box Thin king, I advised the President of EIHA how to utilize genetics and naturally occurring pesticide levels along with the new regulations to save the hemp industry from the catastrophic results they were expecting to occur when the new regulations began.

Is overdevelopment a major problem in Hollywood, yes or no? Please elaborate.Overall, I do not believe that Hollywood in its entirety is Overdeveloped – However parts of the city are over developed and seem to have further pending development incentives. Other parts of the city appear to be neglected and underdeveloped.

As development progresses, we must provide additional infrastructure and project forward planning as to how the increased traffic, people density, commercial and non-profit structures will affect our communities.

As Hollywood approaches its 100th anniversary, what more should the city do to preserve its historic buildings?Provide greater support and solicit enrollment to the Historical Preservation SocietyHave the City Code Department allocate a team member that focuses on our historical sites.Work with the current owners/landlords to preserve our history and Historic Sites Citywide.When/if historical buildings/sites come up for sale – The City should have a board to review whether they are to be considered, for purchase and preservation by the city as little historic sites (Mini-Muse / Mini Museums)

This can be a great way to share our history as well as preserve it.

What is your vision for the future of the Hollywood Beach Resort site, and how can the city make that vision a reality?The Hollywood Beach Resort Site, I believe needs to be preserved and restored to its Glory days. It should once again be a beacon to attract people to Hollywood & Hollywood Beach.

With the restorations of the Hollywood Beach Resort, we should capitalize on new and improved building codes, materials, sustainable methods of building and innovative technologies. Hollywood can make The Grand Lady – and once again make it a beacon to Hollywood, and a model building of what future construction should look like. We should showcase sustainable buildings implementing new building techniques, materials and systems, that can show how we can restore and update a lovely icon like the Hollywood Beach Resort without taking away from its original beauty.

With the Hollywood Beach Resort Site, we have an opportunity to not only showcasing The Grand Old Lady, we also can show what new sustainable green technologies are capable of, we also have the opportunity to make it an open invite to innovative to forward thinking green technology development companies. We would also take the opportunity for some very POSITIVE PRESS about the City of HOLLYWOOD and its Master Plan for the Future.

Hollywood was once known as the DIAMOND of the GOLD COAST. Let's take the opportunity to SHINE not only to or residents but to our neighbours as well.

As we SHINE we will bring some truly needed awareness to not only the redevelopment of the Grand Old Lady but also to the innovative sustainable technologies themselves.

What redevelopment, if any, do you support along the beach and Boardwalk, and should existing height limits be increased in beach areas?TIME is always moving forward, Redevelopment is inevitable! So, for me to take a stance of no redevelopment IMO is unwise. Buildings get old and deteriorate with time. Specifically, buildings on the beach where their exposure to the elements is significantly greater than other locations.However, we should have a master plan and follow it accordingly with very little if any minor exceptions or deviations. I do not believe that the height restrictions should be altered, and they should stay where they are. Within our master plan we should at the very least also address height limitations and infrastructure, for the beach and many of our 30+ square miles that make up our beautiful City of Hollywood.

List in reverse chronological order, colleges or universities attended, with years of attendance and degrees. Embrey Riddle Aeronautical University – 2002-2005Graduated Magna Cum Lada with degree in Aeronautics – with a minor in Management & Safety – also achieved a Safety CertificateBroward College – 1999-2002Airframe & Powerplant certificates & an AS in AeronauticsKeiser University – 1997-1999Occupational Therapy

List in reverse chronological order your work history for the past 15 years.Pghionix Enterprises – 2017 -present –(EV Stations VP of Marketing for new projects – EZCHARGE-N-GO)Bravura World – 2013 – present(Think Tank – Focusing on Disruptive Technologies across multiple fields_Gamma Pharma – 2013- present(Nutra Nutrition Consulting Product Development and Formulations)Sony-Ericson – 2011-2013, Implementation managerHanna & Hanna 1995-present –Real Estate – Long-term Rental & Property management

Have you ever been a party to a lawsuit including bankruptcy or foreclosure? If so, provide details of the case and disposition.No

Have you ever been charged or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, including an adjudication of guilt withheld? If so, provide charges, dates and terms of sentence.No

Why should voters elect you instead of your opponent(s)?My First Job was Lifeguard – the fundamentals of being a Lifeguard are to save people and to prevent people from getting into situations they will regret by enforcing guidelines and regulations. If they happen to get into a life-threatening situation, it is ultimately the job of the lifeguard to rescue and provide first aid as needed. Since even before my very first Job – I have been the "go to guy" when there is someone who needs help or to solve a problem. That random call at 2:47am when someone is stuck are calls, I received and without hesitation I spring into action.

Hollywood is not just where I live, it's my HOME! I have been a resident of Hollywood most of my life and I am not planning on going anywhere. I am getting married in January & plan on raising a family in Hollywood. I have seen the city develop into what it has become, and I can see where we are going. However, we cannot let goals and aspirations of progress distract us from following safe and fundamental business practices. I can see the potential issues we are about to face, and we need to prepare for them.

I may be the most well-rounded candidate with previous experience in National and International business. Organizing the right team for the right situation is what I specialize in.My fundamentals have engrained the need for financial accountability – Clear concise lines and methods of communications between the team and the clients – and a simple Functional Goal for every step and every action to be taken and implemented. We must have in place a system consisting of redundant systems where the redundancies can be a lifeline.

In my opinion, we need a transparent form of Gov't – the peoples voice and opinions must be factored in heavily, as to how the city operates and chooses what projects on which to work on & approve. I would strive to improving communications between our residents and our local gov't, we can improve the flow of growth and development and the overall interaction between the city and its residents.

Three rules I live by are Accountability, 2. Communications, 3. RespectAuto-Accountability – we must own what we do and what we say!Communication – we must improve the manner and system in which we communicate with our people of Hollywood and those who want to locate to Hollywood.Respect – In short, Government must properly represent and protect those who are represented.

With your vote of confidenceThat is the role I see for myself as Mayor of Hollywood.

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